Navigos Group Agile Office


  • Strategic Briefing & Ideation

  • Interior Design

  • Environmental Graphics, Wayfinding & Signage

  • Product Design & Sourcing

  • Workplace Change Management & Communications

Location - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Site area - 700 sqm

Categories - Office Design


  • WINNER: Best Office Interior Design, Vietnam. Vietnam Interior Design Association (VMARK)

The next generation workplace

OUT-2 Design's next-generation workplace for Navigos Group Vietnam is the latest phase of an ongoing partnership to continuously evolve and optimise the firm's work environment in response to changing business needs and new technologies.

We started with an in-depth analysis of the group's corporate vision, changing workstyles and the needs of a young, dynamic workforce before translating these into a workplace strategy and designs for their offices across Vietnam.

Adapting work environments for evolving values

As the nature of work and supporting technologies changes at an ever-increasing pace, the physical work environment must adapt and evolve to support and encourage new values, relationships and processes while retaining and reinforcing the core values that define the company.

New office design embracing flexibility and community

Navigos Group's next-generation Agile Office builds on the strong visual language of the group's corporate offices (also by OUT-2 Design) to express new ways of working that respond to the teams' need for greater flexibility, adaptation, community, and fun.

Breakout and community spaces account for more than 30% of the office, including areas for yoga, wellness, recreation, dining, presentations and team events, as well as group and individual concentrated work capsules.

Sustainable office design with biophilic features

Biophilic and sustainable features have been integrated throughout the design, including non-toxic, recycled and recyclable materials for furniture and floor finishes and the incorporation of more than 500 living plants selected specifically for their ability to improve internal air quality and the well-being of staff. In addition, the use of carbon-neutral flooring throughout the office means that more than eight metric tons of carbon dioxide will be retired, which is equivalent to the emissions from a car travelling more than 30,000km.

For more information on this project, or our Design Services, please email us via the link below.


ACB Workplace Transformation


Unilever Homebase